Love These Creatures

Share love with man’s best friend, our most cherished creatures.

Dogs are subtle sources of blessing. Sharing love with these creatures brings peace and harmony. The spirit of friendliness thrives in a compassionate soul, making you a fear to none. The more you pervade with love, the more you become a sanctuary of love and refuge. The meaning of love is simply fathomless.

Our Call

Observe and exercise the rights of all dogs as sentient beings. Strive to address the dire need of recognizing the rights of all animals.

Our Moves

As Buddha said, “Relate it to yourselves before you inflict any harm on others,” it is a relational truth that all sentient beings equally fear starvation, cruelty, and death. Therefore, Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs commands this fundamental value as the core principle of the organization.

Please do not ignore the dogs. They deserve to live either as pets or protected. Zeus provides shelter to any dog, ensuring every dog lives a healthy life.

Our Advocacy

Zeus focuses on the rights of the voiceless. We strive to alleviate the immediate injustice our dogs have been living with. Our actions revolve around the following course of actions:

  • Cater as far as possible to all dogs.
  • Rescue all needy stray dogs, including the ill, disabled, and underprivileged.
  • Secure the lives of dogs to uphold harmonious living with humans.
  • Deliver animal justice against cruelty.
  • Extend animal welfare primarily through love and compassion.
  • Pursue merits in everyday life as a prelude to Buddha Dharma.

Our Holistic Gains

  • Create employment opportunities.
  • Contribute to the tourism sector in terms of value generation both economically and socially.
  • Contribute to the propagation of Buddha’s teachings in these degenerate times.
  • Perform reasonable Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
  • Contribute to the Gross National Happiness of the Kingdom of Bhutan.

Opportunities at Zeus

We are always looking for people who can perform unconditionally for dogs. You can get paid to make a difference by working selflessly.

The whole cycle of performance comprises roles such as Chairman, Trustees, Secretary, Treasurer, General Managers, and Personnel in the Department of Program and Coordination, which includes the Units of:

  1. Kitchen and Store,
  2. Transportation and Feeding,
  3. Response, Rescue and Vet,
  4. Law and Liaison;

and the Department of Administration and Finance, which includes the Units of:

  1. Donors and Volunteers,
  2. Human Resource and Accounts.

These diverse capacities offer various ways to work at Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs.

Alongside day-to-day functions, we have many programs founded on our broadest theme of rescuing, feeding, and caring for dogs.

Services 24×7

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Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter

Welcome to Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter