Lawful Recognition

Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs operates as a Citizen-Government Undertaking under a Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Department of Livestock. This agreement recognizes Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs as the governing body of Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter I in Chang Gewog, Thimphu Dzongkhag, and Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter II in Dopshari Gewog, Paro Dzongkhag. This milestone was achieved through the National Accelerated Dog Population Management and Rabies Control Program (NADPM & RCP), supported by the Department of Livestock and Desuung Office.

Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs autonomously governs these shelters, accommodating over 650 dogs, while also impacting the entire nation. The program has significantly improved the health of dogs nationwide through mass vaccination, fostered harmony between dogs and humans, and contributed to environmental tranquility. Additionally, these shelters have become attractions for tourists who find joy in witnessing dogs living in sanctuaries filled with freedom and care.

Our Journey

Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs was founded during the Covid-19 pandemic by Mr. Thinley Norbu and Mr. Sherub Tenzin. It began with feeding programs in the capital city during lockdowns, eventually expanding to rescuing, medicating, and feeding over 300 adult dogs daily. The organization rescued 270 stray puppies, provided them with temporary housing and medical care, and facilitated their adoption in a lawful manner. Various programs including mass feeding, deworming, anti-scabies treatment, and neutering were conducted for over 4,000 stray dogs in Thimphu.

Awareness campaigns and educational programs aimed at recognizing dogs as sentient beings have been integral to our mission. Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs has been a voice for the voiceless, advocating for justice and compassion for animals.

Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs Today

Today, Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter I houses over 390 dogs, and Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter II houses over 250 dogs. Both shelters are progressing towards becoming sanctuaries where dogs live freely and receive unconditional care. They are situated on leased state-owned land in Thimphu and Paro Dzongkhags respectively.

Manpower and Amenities

We are supported by a dedicated team of 13 personnel who receive a total salary of Nu. 130,000 per month along with accommodation and food. The sanctuaries are equipped with roofed shelters, isolation centers for sick dogs, blankets, and other amenities to ensure the dogs’ comfort and well-being. Veterinary care is available around the clock, and dogs are vaccinated and provided with comprehensive care including thrice-daily feeding with a variety of nutritious food.

Our Challenges and Actions

Despite challenges, Zeus for Homeless and Stray Dogs continues its mission to rescue, feed, and care for dogs. Our actions are guided by principles of compassion and justice, aiming to secure harmonious coexistence between dogs and humans.

Our Holistic Gains

Through our work, we create employment opportunities, contribute to the tourism sector, propagate Buddha’s teachings, fulfill Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and contribute to the Gross National Happiness of Bhutan.

Milestones and Prayers

Our milestones include contributing to the Gross National Happiness of Bhutan, serving the Kingdom and sentient beings, and aspiring to build a lasting empire where dogs can live dignified lives. We are immensely grateful to all supporters for their contributions, whether in cash or kind, which enable us to provide a sanctuary for dogs in need.

Thank you for joining us on this journey of compassion and care for our beloved dogs.

Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter

Welcome to Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter