Adopt a Dog

Adopt or Foster One and Help Save Them All

Reach out to learn about responsible adoption and fostering. We will require regular updates on any fostered and adopted dogs as well as following our guidelines.

Adoption Policy

Due to past challenges with some adopters not properly caring for the dogs, we have made significant changes to our adoption process. For the welfare of our animals, we now:

  1. Require adopters to sign a comprehensive adoption agreement.
  2. Ensure all adopted dogs are microchipped for tracking.
  3. Mandate adopters have a large, open space for the dogs to thrive.
  4. Prohibit tying or confining the dogs in small areas.
  5. Require monthly updates about the dog’s well-being, along with regular inspections by our team.

At the shelter, our dogs enjoy a loving environment, three nutritious meals daily, and full medical care. While adoptions are still possible under these guidelines, many of our dogs remain under our direct care, ensuring they live happy, healthy lives.

Meet our dogs

Dungkar was rescued during covid when she was a small puppy, she didn’t have her
mother and was left alone in a pit.

So, we rescued and brought her to our shelter. She has been thriving with us for 2 years!

Kato was rescued from South Thimphu. He was badly hit by a moving car and left in pain. One of our members saw him suffering, so we took him to the veterinary clinic to start his treatment. We discovered that Kato had an internal bone fracture.
After bringing him to our shelter, we continued his medication and treatment. Now, after a year with us, Kato is almost 90 percent recovered and is very friendly.

Tuku was rescued a year ago, he has been disabled since he was a puppy and was in critical condition when found. We have given her all the necessary treatment and he now has a good life at our shelter.

Lucy was spotted by tourists at a temple who contacted us as she seemed very skinny and had lost her fur. We immediately went to get her and provided medicine and food. She has been with us for a few months, we are seeing her fur grow back and she has slowly gained weight.

These puppies were rescued during the covid period because no one was looking after them or feeding them. One of them needed medical care too. They have now been with us over three years!


Get in contact if you are interested in adopting with us!

Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter

Welcome to Zeus Nakulu Dog Shelter